NRA Members Only Incentives
As stated by the NRA's Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, "As a member, you'll have a powerful voice in protecting our Constitution, plus a wide range of benefits that add up to savings, convenience, and fun..." Why wouldn't anyone want to support and be a member of the National Rifle Association after hearing a line like that. These benefits, savings, convenience, and fun are referring to the organization's selective incentives which as we learned in class are described as; subtle rewards that an organization like the NRA exclusively provides to their members in return for their support, loyalty, and donations/ membership fees.
These various incentives are required for an organization to maintain member contributions and activity within the group. The NRA's selective incentives include an official NRA Membership ID card, a choice of subscription to one of three magazines, and youths receive a subscription to "Insights" magazine. The NRA will also offer low cost life, health, and accident insurance, along with individual property and liability insurance. Some insurance benefits that come at NO CHARGE include; $5,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage (annnual members), $10,000 of Accidental Death and Dismemberment coverage (life members), members killed in the line of duty will have $25,000 in coverage (law enforcement employees), and lastly $1,000 of ArmsCare coverage to cover damage to your weapons. An additional benefit, which is perhaps most important, to being a member is that you are provided with up to date alerts/information about legislation involving firearms and hunting at the federal, state and local levels of government. I was astonished at the number and value of benefits that are provided to an NRA member as stated on their web site, and with some additional research I found members only discounts to hotels, car insurance, health services, rental car services, and much more. I was actually interested in atleast one of these benefits and decided to look into the membership costs. I found that a one-year membership cost $35, and that a lifetime membership costs $1,000 (with differing yearly rate found on this site). After reviewing the list of selective, members only incentives, I would agree that being a member of the NRA would benefit just about anyone.
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